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Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

Plant Family: Salvia

Common name: Broad-leaved White Sage, Common Sage, Garden Sage, Narrow-leaved White Sage, Red Sage, Salbei, Salvia salvatrix

History: Sage is named from the Latin salvare, 'to save'. This name was then corrupted to Sauija and Sauge (Fench) and Sawge (Old English)

A beautiful legend about Sage is that when Mary was fleeing from Herod no other plant would give her shelter but Sage. Virgin Mary told the Sage plant: 'From now to eternity you will be the favorite flower of mankind. I give you the power to heal man of all illness and save him from death as you have done for me.'

The Romans used Sage in their baths to ease :

    aching muscles
    sore, tired feet

Tradition: Sage wasSalvia officinalis p1150381

    a panacea for immortality
    burned at the altar or in a sacred space to consecrates the area
    burned in the home to remove impurities, banish evil, and to provide protection
    used for bringing prosperity
    used in healing amulets, incenses, and sachets

Plant Constituents of Sage


    phenolic acids
    volatile Oil


    antibacterial [an agent that destroys bacteria; bactericide]
    antihydrotic [an agent that reduces or suppresses perspiration]
    antiseptic [an agent for inhibiting the growth of microorganism on living tissue or destroying pathogenic or putrefactive bacteria]
    antispasmodic [an agent that relieves or checks spasms or cramps]
    antiviral [an agent that destroys viruses]
    aphrodisiac [an agent for arousing or increasing sexual desire or potency]
    astringent [an agent that contracts organic tissue, reducing secretions or discharges]
    carminative [an agent for easing griping pains, colic and expelling gas from the intestines]
    stimulant [an agent that excites or quickens the functional activity of the tissues giving more energy]
    styptic [an agent that contracts tissues; astringent; specifically, a hemostatic agent that stops bleeding by contracting the blood vessels]
    tonic [an agent that tones, strengthens and invigorates organs or the entire organism giving a feeling of well-being]   

Usage of Sage

Medicinal Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb

Sage is used for:

Bacterial and Viral Conditions

    retro viruses, e.g. Herpes, HIV, etc.
    staphylococcus infections

Brain and Nervous System Conditions

    aids the memory
    delerium associated with fevers
    disorders of the spinal cord
    eases mental exhaustion
    headaches (combined with Peppermint, Rosemary, and Wood Betony)   
    nervous conditions
    nervous excitement, associated with brain or nerve diseases
    strengthens the powers of concentration
    trembling of limbs
    weak nerves

Cardiovascular Conditions

    prevention of strokes

Female Conditions

    amenorrhea (irregular menstruation)
    decreasing milk flow in lactating women during weaning
    dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
    hemorrhage from the lungs or stomach
    night sweats and hot flushes during menopause, combined with Horsetail and Valerian
    regulates the menstrual cycle
    reduces perspiration (because of its estrogenic properties)
    tonic after childbirth

Gastrointestinal Conditions

    abdominal troubles
    all stomach troubles
    eliminates mucous congestion in the stomach
    flatulence (gas)
    increases the appetite
    rectifies intestinal troubles
    stimulates the digestive system
    weak stomach

Genitourinary Conditions800px-Salvia officinalis

    kidney troubles

Glandular Conditions

    glandular disorders

Liver Conditions

    liver complaints

Respiratory Tract Conditions

    dispels phlegm from the respiratory organs and stomach
    eliminates mucous congestion in the respiratory passages and stomach

Sage is a good gargle for:

    sore throat
    ulcerated throat

Chewing the fresh leaves soothes:

    sore throats
    mouth sores


    a deodorant

Sage is a good gargle for:

    inflammation of tooth pulp
    loose and bleeding teeth  
    preventing excessive flow of saliva
    ulcerated or receding gums
    ulcerated gums and mouth

Externally: In a lotion, salve or wash, Sage is useful:

    as a hair rinse to remove dandruff
    for insect bites
    for itchy skin
    for skin eruptions
    for treating sores
    to stop bleeding in all cuts

Other Uses:

    condiment added to meat (breaks down the fat in meat)
    hair dye
    tooth powder



    Avoid during pregnancy as it may have a stimulating effect on the muscle of the womb
    Extended or excessive use of Sage can cause symptoms of poisoning

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GreekEnglish (United Kingdom)