Superfoods fresh & dried
Fresh Organic Superfoods from Greece
(Goji berries, Blueberries, Seabuckthon, Aronia berries & Cornelian cherries)
They preserve the maximum of their nutritional value, since only a few hours after their harvesting, you can find them in organic stores and supermarket shelves
Fresh organic Goji berries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 100gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, fresh berries from the farm directly to your table. rich in antioxidants, proteins, complex of vitamins B & C
Fresh organic Blueberries from Northern Greece cultivations.
Rich in antioxidants, proteins, flavonoids, fibers & complex of vitamins B & C
In packs of 125gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, fresh berries from the farm directly to your table.
Fresh organic seabuckthorn berries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 125gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, fresh, from the farm directly to your table. Maintain the maximum of their nutrients, such as antioxidants, rich in vitamin C and unsaturated fats like Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega7, Omega9!
Fresh organic Aronia berries, from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 125gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, fresh berries from the farm directly to your table. Maintain in maximum, all of their nutrients like antioxidants, anthocyanins, flavonoids and vitamins B & C
Fresh organic Cornelian cherries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 125gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, fresh, from the farm directly to your table. Maintain the maximum of their nutrients, such as antioxidants, rich in tanins, ascorbic acid, copper, zinc, potassium vitamin C and sodium.
Dried Organic Superfoods from Greece
(Gojiberries, Blueberries, Seabuckthon, Aronia berries & Blend of 3 Berries)
They are dehydrated in the safest and healthiest way in order to conserve the maximum nutritional value, but remain tasty and fleshy at the same time.
Organic blend of dried superfoods from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 100gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, sun dried organic goji, aronia and seabuckthorn berries, rich in antioxidants, complex of Vitamins A,B,C, Omega fat acids, proteins, anthocyanins and flavonoids
Dried organic Goji berries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 50gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, sun dried organic berries, rich in antioxidants, proteins, complex of vitamins B & C
Dried organic Seabuckthorn berries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 50gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, sun dried organic seabuckthorn berries, rich in antioxidants, Omega fat acids ((Ω3,Ω7,Ω9), complex of vitamins B & C.
Dried organic Aronis berries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 125gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, Aronia Nero sun dried organic berries, rich in antioxidants, anthocyanins & flavonoids
Dried organic Blueberries from Northern Greece cultivations.
In packs of 50gr from Pegasus Bio Hyperfoods, sun dried organic blueberries, low in calories, high in fiber, rich in vitamines C,K, antioxidant factors, anthocyanins & flavonoids