string(5) "el-gr"

Ιπποφαές (συνταγές)


Picture1. Κουλουράκια Ιπποφαούς

- 1/2 της κούπας βούτυρο

- 115 γρ τυρί φιλαδέλφεια
- 1 κούπα ζάχαρη
- 4 κουταλάκια χυμό Ιπποφαούς
- 2 κούπες αλεύρι
- 1 κουταλάκι Baking powder
- Μισό κουταλάκι αλάτι
- Μισό κουταλάκι ζάχαρη άχνη

Ανακατεύουμε μαζί το βούτυρο και το τυρί Φιλαδέλφεια.  Προσθέτουμε εν συνεχεία και τη ζάχαρη συνεχίζουμε να ανακατεύουμε μέχρι να γίνει ένας πηχτός ομοιόμορφος πολτός. Μετά προσθέτουμε και τον χυμό Ιπποφαούς και ανακατεύουμε.
Σε ένα ξεχωριστό μπολ ρίχνουμε το αλεύρι, το baking powder και το αλάτι και ανακατεύουμε.  Στη συνέχεια ρίχνουμε αυτό το μείγμα μέσα στο μείγμα του πολτού μας.  Ανακατεύουμε για λίγο.
Από το μείγμα μας φτιάχνουμε μικρές μπάλες και τις τοποθετούμε στο ταψί στο οποίο προηγουμένως έχουμε αλείψει με λίγο λάδι.  Πιέζουμε ελαφρά τις μπάλες για να γίνουν επίπεδες και με ένα πιρούνι δημιουργούμε μερικές γραμμές.  Ψήνουμε στους 190 βαθμούς για περίπου 10 λεπτά.  Τα βγάζουμε από το φούρνο και τα αφήνουμε για λίγο να κρυώσουν.
Σε ένα μικρό μπολ βάζουμε τη ζάχαρη άχνη και εν συνεχεία πασπαλίζουμε το πάνω μέρος από κάθε κουλουράκι μέσα στη ζάχαρη.
Τα παραπάνω υλικά θα μας δώσουν περίπου 20 κουλουράκια
Σε όση ζάχαρη άχνη περισσέψει προσθέστε 2 κουταλιές χυμό Ιπποφαούς, ανακατέψτε καλά και περιχύστε το νέο αυτό γευστικότατο μείγμα επάνω στα κουλουράκια.


 2. Sea-Buckthorn Jelly with Kama & Mascarpone Mousse

Serves 4SeaBuckthornJelly1NAMINAMI

 For sea-buckthorn jelly
125 grams sea-buckthorn berries, pureed and strained
water (enough to make up 300 ml sea buckthorn liquid)
sugar to taste
3 gelatine sheets

For kama-mascarpone mousse
250 grams mascarpone
2 Tbsp kama mixture
sugar to taste

For the jelly, you need 300 ml sea buckthorn juice. You can either use shop-bought good-quality sea-buckthorn juice, or make your own. To make your own, wash the berries (put few berries aside for garnishing) and puree in a blender. Press through a fine sieve. Then take some boiling water and pour over the sea-buckthorn pulp on the sieve to extract more juice. Continue, until you've got 300 ml liquid. (Using boiling water helps to extract more 'juice matter' from the pulp).
Soak gelatine leaves in cold water for a few minutes. Meanwhile, heat about 100 ml of the sea buckthorn juice to about 70 C, then drain and press soaked gelatine leaves and add to the heated juice. Stir, until dissolved, then add to the rest of the juice, stir, and pour into four dessert glasses/bowls.
Place into the fridge for a few hours to set.

For kama-mascarpone mousse, cream mascarpone with a wooden spoon or electric mixer until fluffy, adding sugar to taste. Add a spoonful or two of kama mixture, depending on your taste again. You may also add some single or whipping cream to the mixture, to make it lighter.

To serve, spoon some kama mousse onto set jellies, top with whole sea-buckthorn berries.

Recipe from NAMI-NAMI


 3. Sea-buckthorn and Amaretto cheesecake

Serves 8 NAMI-NAMI 1

125 g Digestive-biscuits (about 8 cookies)
50 g butter, melted

Cheesecake layer:
600 g full-fat cream cheese, at room temperature
3 large eggs
85 g caster sugar (100 ml)
1 tsp vanilla extract

Amaretto-seabuckthorn jelly:
200 g sea-buckthorn berries, fresh or frozen
3 Tbsp caster or soft brown sugar
3 to 4 Tbsp Amaretto
3 to 4 Tbsp hot water
4 gelatine leaves (and some cold water for soaking)

Preheat oven to 180°C/350F.
Grease a 24 cm/10 inch round springform/loose-bottomed cake tin with butter, line the base with parchment paper. Process biscuits into fine crumbs, add melted butter and combine. Press the cookie mixture over base and sides of the prepared tin. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, beat the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla together until smooth. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating until combined.
Pour over the biscuit base and bake in the middle of a preheated 350F/180C oven for 30 minutes, until the filling is more or less set (it shouldn't wobble too much, when you lightly shake the cake tin).
Remove from the oven and cool completely.
To make the jelly layer, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes.
Place the (defrosted, if necessary) berries into a blender and process until smooth. Press through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. Season to taste with sugar and Amaretto.
Squeeze the gelatine leaves to remove excess cold water, then stir into hot water (about 4 Tbsp) until dissolved. Stir into the sea-buckthorn purée. Pour the mixture carefully over cooled cheesecake.
Place into the fridge for at least 4 hours to set.

Recipe from NAMI-NAMI


 4. Sea Buckthorn SorbetSeaBuckthornSorbetNAMINAMI

200 ml water

200 ml sugar
400 ml sea-buckthorn juice, preferably freshly extracted

You can either use shop-bought good-quality sea-buckthorn juice, or make your own. To make your own, wash about a cup of sea-buckthorn berries and puree in a blender. Press through a fine sieve. Then take some boiling water and pour over the sea-buckthorn pulp on the sieve to extract more juice. Continue, until you've got 400 ml liquid. (Using boiling water helps to extract more 'juice matter' from the pulp).
Pour water and sugar into a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes to make a syrup. Cool.
Mix sea-buckthorn juice and syrup and churn in your ice cream maker according to the instructions. (We gave it 25 minutes in a Kitchen Aid ice cream attachment).
Put in the freezer to harden a little before serving.

Recipe from NAMI-NAMI



 5. Alexander cakeAlexander seabucthorn cake by nami

Cuts into 12 rectangles

Alexander cake, dyed with sea-buckthorn juice concentrate

Pastry layers:
125 g caster sugar (150 ml)
300 g all-purpose flour (500 ml, about 2 cups)
1 tsp baking powder
200 g butter, at room temperature
1 egg

250 ml (1 cup) thick raspberry jam

250 g icing sugar/confectioners sugar (about 400 ml)
3-4 Tbsp raspberry or black aronia juice

Make the pastry by mixing all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Add the butter, and using your fingers for mixing, mix until you've got large crumbs. Add the egg and quickly mix the pastry until it comes together.
Take a parchment paper that fits your baking sheet. Place the pastry on top of the paper and using a slightly floured rolling pin, roll the pastry to fit the baking sheet.
Bake in a preheated 175C/350F oven until dry and light golden brown (about 20 minutes).
Take out from the oven, and cut into two even-sized rectangles (the final cake will be half the size of your baking sheet). Cool lightly.*
Spread the jam over one shortcake base. Then very carefully lift the other shortcake layer on top of the one covered with jam.
Cut into squares (but don't separate the pieces) and leave to cool completely.
Make the glaze by mixing seabuckthorn juice into the icing sugar until you've got a runny sugar glaze. Pour and spread that over the cake pieces and leave to set.

Recipe from NAMI NAMI



 6.Cardamom panna cotta with apricot and sea-buckthorn sauce Panacota seabuckthorn NAMI-NAMI

Adapted from the Swedish COOP-website
Serves 4

3 gelatine leaves
200 ml whipping cream
2 Tbsp caster sugar
1 tsp ground cardamom
200 ml kefir

100 ml (7 Tbsp) smooth apricot jam
100 ml (7 Tbsp) sea-buckthorn berries

Seak the gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes.
Season the cream with ground cardamom, then slowly bring into a boil in a small saucepan. Cook for a few minutes, then remove from the heat and pour in the kefir. Give it a stir.
Squeeze the soaked gelatine leaves to remove excess water, then stir and melt into the cream and kefir mixture, one at a time.
Pour the mixture into individual glasses or ramekins and place into a fridge to set for at least 5 hours.
Before serving, heat the apricot jam gently in a small saucepan. Fold in the sea-buckthorn berries, heat through. Cool a little, then spoon some on top of each panna cotta.

Recipe from NAMI-NAMI



Created by 3ds-for-orama
GreekEnglish (United Kingdom)